google analytics
Process Post

Process Post #9

I added Google Analytics to my blog! Google Analytics provides comprehensive insights that empower creators to make data-driven decisions for their blogs. By leveraging these analytics, you can optimize content, enhance user experience, and implement strategies that align with the preferences of your audience.

While there are many different things Google Analytics tracks, there are a few that stand out for me. The first is which pages and blog posts are the most popular. This insight would help me identify the content that resonates most with your audience, allowing me to create more of what they enjoy. To add to this, I want to see where my blog traffic is coming from. Google Analytics breaks down traffic sources into categories such as organic search, direct traffic, social media, and referral sources. This information would help me identify which channels are driving the most visitors to my blog. Lastly, I’d also like to track the ratio of new to returning users. Understanding how well I retain my audience over time is crucial for building a loyal readership.

Similarly, we have been touching on how important SEO is for brands. I completely agree with this because I am always looking things up and immediately press on the first option. Hollingsworth claims that “It’s no secret in the world of SEO that if you’re not on Page 1, you’re likely not killing the organic search game” (2018). Organic search is most often the primary source for website traffic, as people want something they easy. They don’t want to be endlessly searching the web. They want credible and they want it fast.

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