• girl blogging
    Process Post

    Process Post #5

    Gertz’s article, “Design Machines. How to survive in the digital Apocalypse” talks about how digital culture is taking over the world. One thing that resonated with me and my blog was when Gertz said, “The best and worst thing about the information age is the ability and our penchant for sharing every damn thought that enters our minds” (2015). I understand where he’s coming from and I do see the positives and negatives of sharing every thought that comes to mind. In consideration to my blog, I need to be aware of what I am putting out there, since I am openly sharing my thoughts. If I am talking badly…

  • joey burnaby location

    JOEY Burnaby

    Dear Diary, I’m going to be reviewing the one and only Joey Burnaby. Fun fact: I do work here so this is going to be the most honest and factual review there is. Location: Mixed emotions. It’s in a good location in regards to being in a restaurant-heavy area. However, that does mean there is a lot of competition. Also, NOBODY CAN EVER FIND IT. There are no signs and it is literally in a mall. It is extremely invisible. Tell me who decided this. More people would come here if it was actually accessible. No joke people complain about this every single day, YET NOTHING CHANGES??? The parking lot…

  • alix earle hot mess podcast
    Process Post

    Process Post #4

    In my last process post, I covered who my audience is. I’m going to explore how this informs my editorial process. To begin, the main thing I want to ensure with my posts is consistency in tone, style, and formatting. Since it is diary style, it’s essential to create a personal, authentic, and intimate feel with my content. I’m using a conversational and friendly tone, which is very far from academic writing, but really resonates with readers. I’m aiming for my writing style to be very reflective, while also humurous, building a recognizable brand for my blog. I’ve been sharing my genuine thoughts, feelings, and experiences, allowing my personality to…

  • my friends
    Process Post

    Process Post #3

    Setting up my website has been anything but easy. I felt very on my own, trying to teach myself how to navigate website curation. It was even more frustrating when the tutorials I was watching online weren’t aligning with my own screen. After being set on my theme, I had to work through adding content. This was my next big challenge as I couldn’t figure out how to get my posts to show up. I had no idea what plug-ins were and how important they would be on your website until I saw something about it online. I decided to give it a shot and I installed the WP Show…

  • daisy jones and the six tv show cover
    TV and Movies

    Daisy Jones & The Six

    (Spoilers) Dear Diary, My first book review was Daisy Jones & The Six so it’s only right to review the show next. I was obsessed with this show! It is very hard for movies and TV shows to match up to the book. Usually, the book is better. However, I honestly liked this more. I thought they did a really good job of portraying the book and making it come to life. Especially since this book is about a band, it was hard for me to get emotionally invested by just reading song lyrics. Actually hearing the songs and watching the performances got me INVESTED. I was in love with…

  • daisy jones book cover

    Daisy Jones & The Six

    (Spoiler Free) Author Genre Rating Taylor Jenkins Reid Literary FictionHistorical Fiction ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dear Diary, The book is about the fictional Daisy Jones and the Six, a rock band that rose to fame in the ’70s, and features interviews with members of the band, their friends, families and colleagues. Through the interviews, readers discover the secrets that led to the band’s end. This book was very hyped up and anticipated for me. My favourite book influencers gave it 5 stars, which made me want to give it 5 stars. Unfortunately, I didn’t love this. I WANTED TO SO BAD. Don’t hate me. I enjoyed the story, but I didn’t connect with…

  • screenshot of my instagram page
    Process Post

    Process Post #2

    This week I initiated a social media platform to help my online presence. I decided Instagram would be the best one for my diary style blog and the username is @mydigitallldiary. I also added the rest of my personal social media accounts onto the blog under “Contact” and as well on the top menu. I added my Spotify, Goodreads, and Pinterest. To add, after reading “How I Got My Attention Back” by Craig Mod, his experiences really resonated with me. “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone,” wrote Blaise Pascal. In other words, we constantly need to be putting our attention somewhere,…

  • Mini Assignments

    Mini Assignment #2

    Guest post: Featuring … Brooke Davis Dear Diary, Oh my god, I haven’t written that in so long!! I used to keep my own diary when I was in highschool. I used to tell people I never had one because I never wanted anyone to find it. I’ve never been more vulnerable than in that diary. This is like totally healing for me. Eventually, I gave my diary to Julian to read so he could really know me. Thank god I didn’t give it to Lucas. Anyways, hey everyone!! I’m Brooke Davis and I’m from Tree Hill. Julia asked me to come on here and share my experience with my…

  • girl journalling - setting the tone for my blog style
    Process Post

    Process Post #1

    To start on my blog, I had to choose a theme. It was really hard for me to decide which one, especially because of each template’s limitations. I liked the style of many “blog” themes such as “Glowing Blog”, however, it wasn’t allowing me to have the header I wanted. I ultimately decided on the Ashe theme because it allowed me to have the header I wanted, setting the feel for a digital diary. This theme allowed me to execute my blog most similarly to the version I had in my head. I added very clear menus with drop downs and made categories to organize my blog posts. I wanted…

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